Get Involve

By , December 24, 2009 1:32 am
  • Work with Us:
    Creative members and some social groups and Doner persons which help us & encourage us.
  • Fellowships:
    The Director, President, V-Presidents, Cashier of society for educational & rural development.
  • Volunteer with Us:
    1. ICNGO (Indian Chamber of NGOs, Sewak Bhawan ,Arya Samaj Road, Karol bag New Delhi).
    2. State social welfare board 35-A, Chd.
    3. Central social welfare board Qutab institutional area New Delhi.
  • Funds of the Society:
    1. Admission fees, Membership fees & Annual subscription of the members.
    2. Government Grants.
    3. Contribute from other sources and donations.

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